You are called to be blessed, favoured, and set apart. To be lifted up and set in high places.
"What's wrong with me?" ^^ I don't know how many times I've asked myself that in the moments between moments where I realise that once again I did NOT do what I promised myself I would do, instead filled my day with a million things which wouldn't make a difference in a million lifetimes, and yet we've got one.
I do not believe we were designed to conform to a world made either by ourselves or others which says that in order to get it right we have to do it right and yes, just like that.
The multi-passionate millionaire is not only a very real 'type', but also a very much required type for a certain sort of an entrepreneur. The whole niche thing is ... and surely this is not news to any of us ... overrated. Old news. Never even WAS a valid idea back when all this online marketing stuff started, it's just that it was a good way to paint-by-numbers get things started for a lot of people. Don't get me wrong, knowing your niche is critical ;)