Welcome welcome welcome to my beautiful online home, the incredible community God has gifted me with that I can pour out letters and messages of all things faith, fire, and FLOW to empower you as an entrepreneur and leader, oh and?

The place where you finally hear the things your spirit knew all along about how business, money, life and YOU really get to be. In other words - the place where someone who is out there pressing play on the gifts SHE has been given is going to straight up tell you that YES:

The way you wish it would be is how it should be.

The dreams God has put on your heart since before you could even articulate are real.

You do not have to checklist or strategise or studiously never-endingly work your way to success.

You were designed to be empowered by grace and the Holy Spirit working in and through you to walk into your path of destiny and be who you're meant to be!

The women (and a few men!) who find their way into my space are those who have always been called for something different. You've always just seen the world in a different way. You've always just KNOWN -

It shouldn't have to be like that. 'That' being the way that, well, most everyone says it has to be.

And somewhere within, there is this won't-go-away ticking beat which says:

If I simply harnessed and released true unparalleled belief, then everything I yearn for, long for, and know is MEANT for me would come to pass.

- promises: fulfilled

- visions: made plain and clear, that they can be run with

- trust: brought to its fullness as you finally SURRENDER to the fact that you were never meant to have to figure it all out yourself, let alone DO it all

- and the business and life you dream of? Made ever more clear as you watch it appear in front of you.

Bit by bit,

step by step,

brought to life,

from that which you can't see but yet believe.

I could write all day on this, but I think you get the point ;)

You are a born for more entrepreneur, creator, leader, and messenger, who came here to do crazy big and (let's admit it!) SUPERNATURAL work in the world.

You know you were born to make and impact millions, and that's just how it is!

And most of all:

You know that everything it's meant to be about for you is on the other side of the place where you finally,

said yes.

To what, you may ask?


But buckle up, by all means -

and let's just enjoy the ride,

as you and I both remember:

Life is Now. Press Play.


PS. All of which is to say ... I'M SO GLAD YOU'RE HERE! I will send you daily-ish letters, updates, blog posts, downloads, prophetic words, prayers, special offers and invites, or whatever else God leads me to!

Some days I send 3 emails ... some days none ... I usually have a mix of things in them (like a blog or a word and then an invite at the end) ... and I really don't structure any of it at all. I just let the message be the message, and the work be the work. My job is simply to be led by God with what He puts on my heart to share. Create. Sell. Give away for free. Ramble or rant on. Etcetera!

As a result of doing business this way, I've been blessed to have watched a multiple 8-figure online coaching brand come to life through me, and now God has blessed me with a baby-but-building evangelical ministry which is going to be BIG! My favourite new phrase is LOOK WHAT GOD DID, and I can't wait to use it in THAT area! Ha. I already am.

I am very - maybe too lol - transparent in what I write and share about, and what pops outta me on my IG / YouTube / Facebook lives, and I do not filter the anointing or the message in order to placate anyone. I just buckle up mySELF, and let God take over.

So if you're here - you're gonna love it or you're gonna leave. But don't expect it to make any sort of sense as far as how business usually is 'supposed' to work.

Oh - and if you're truly meant to be here and receive through me you'll probably see your business money AND life blow up to the place it was already MEANT to be in a timeframe which just blows your mind. One of my anointings is that I impart supernatural SPEED. It's just what happens.

How to work with me, become a client, or know what's for you?

Honestly ... you'll find out. Just stay in my space and wait to be shown. But if you already know there is SOMETHING there - hit reply here. Or message me on Instagram @katrinaruthministries and let's find out! I'd love to hear from you anyway, just to meet! Please don't be shy. Or, if you wanna - go ahead. Ha!

A couple shortcuts to my DEEPEST work which you may want to consider:

The Secret Garden is the place God gave me for you as an entrepreneur. It is the place where you come in (in the form of a low cost live membership mastermind with me!) to the Secret Garden of your business and life, such that all God has purposed for you can come through.

You can join directly here, and dive in live with me into this months classes + receive immediate access to all previous classes and content and an incredible group of fellow Secret Garden warriors who God has called to be in this space with me. You are welcome to DM me with any questions! I would love to help.

You can view all of my programs and courses here on my programs page. These go back for well over 15 or so years (I started online in 2006, and started selling online in 2008 ... prior to that it was a blog / online brochure for my previous physical business / unfolding ... it is still unfolding ...). Please know that my older courses, before I was convicted by God to actually live fully for Him not just call myself Christian, are NOT free of my former language, beliefs, behaviours! I continue to remove whatever God directs me to and to leave what He shows me to. Praise God for a testimony of how He has changed me!

If you would like to know about Private Mentoring fill out this form, or DM me.

God recently had me write an all new book (about my 60th, but first one through Him!) by hand in my journal. It is fully prophetically written and is a vision for both you and I. It is ... shocking. Wow. Tears. And yes. Get your copy of Possess the Land HERE!

And if you're ready to drop straight into the vortex as a woman on fire for God, and / or HE IS CALLING YOU HARD AND YOU WANT TO BE CONSUMED WITH FIRE FROM THE HEAVENS ... join my 6 weeks course Warrior Leader here, or take my class SPIRIT over here, and get to know what it really looks like to be Spirit and faith-led as a way of doing every element of this thing we call life. These are existing home study courses, as opposed to being live ongoing in my space in The Secret Garden.

You can also check out for the 'latest', or click the link from my Instagram bio.



Questions? Wonderments? Just wanna say hi? My Instagram door is always open @katrinaruthministries




Katrina Ruth is a writer, speaker and digital entrepreneur who has made over $25,000,000 online through courses and masterminds designed for creative entrepreneurs who want to do business and life different from the rest, and know they have a big message to share.

Katrina (Kat) teaches that you really CAN have it all, on your terms, but you have to be willing to do what it takes, no matter what it takes, until it takes, and then keep going.

Even more importantly – you have to be willing to say ‘screw the system’, to say what others would barely dare to think, and to unapologetically back yourself in all ways, no matter how crazy or against the grain it may seem.

Kat is featured regularly in the likes of Forbes, Entrepreneur, Success, Business Insider, Fast Company, Money and more, and is the secret weapon of the worlds most elite game-changers in leadership, business, and art. She lives primarily in Australia’s Gold Coast along with her 2 children, and her French Bulldog Storm.

Questions? Wonderments? Just wanna say hi? My Instagram door is always open @katrinaruthministries


"Katrina helped me more than DOUBLE my coaching prices + sell out in 2 DAYS >> something I’ve been struggling with for the last 1.5 years! All this happening only a few weeks into working with Kat!" – Emily Cisewski

“I’m hitting 75K of income this month with ease!” – Christie Bailey

"Working with Kat catapulted me into claiming the true leader I am!" – Debbie Pace

"My launch just ended and I finished with $64K in sales!!! I'm SO freaking pumped AND so grateful to be able to work with Kat!" – Adrienne Dorison

I’ve had a 17949% growth increase!” – Jana Kingsford

"Working with Kat is an incredible opportunity to connect to your greatest gifts. Your future self will thank you for it!" – Lavina Iris Quillman

“Working with Kat was the catalyst for me to completely revamp my biz to only do what I was put here on earth to do. You can't put a price on that. Trust only … with the right person, of course!” – Anny Shelley

“I’ve gone from 50K months to 250K+!” Amanda Frances

“Working with Kat will change everything for you! I just love the way she activates me and draws out my self belief and of course allows me to attract my perfect clients. I’m so grateful to have done this work with her!” – Susie Garden

“My life has changed in ALL areas!” – Johnine Barlow

I’ve done nothing more than what I’ve always done, except I 100% believed it was my right to earn $$$, and I ended upmanifesting 8k in sales in a matter of days! Thank you Katrina!– Alisha Hannah

“20K in sales in first month and email subs up by 31%!” – Ruby Lee

Katrina is also currently a feature writer for Forbes and has also been separately featured in Forbes, Money, Entrepreneur and Business Insider just to name a few. She writes articles on success / business mindset, manifestation, purpose, passion, alignment and empowerment.



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