She's back


September 09, 20249 min read

I changed my mind again.

Wanna come on a journey with me? It's a bumpy one. lil messy. lil wild. Definitely a tad embarrassing, although that bit's just for me.

I changed my mind again.

I was SO sure. SO so sure. That I'm meant to be doing the all in only God-led content thing. Overt faith-based marketing.

She's back

When I finally got convicted by God and went from calling myself Christian to weeping wailing surrendering on the floor having everything brilliantly illuminated to me about who I'd actually been being, and supernatural surgery became an almost daily norm, I was willing to lay it ALL down.

I DID lay it all down.

I knew knew knew that the multi-8-figure thang I built was gonna need to change BIG time.

I suspected the whole thing might fall apart.

I wondered if I would lose it all.

I KNEW I'd been so far over the line, so far away from who I really came here to be, that I'd ended up gradually so far down the slippery slope of teaching stuff which I just no longer could stand by, and also SEEPED in self-idolatry and thinking everything was on me and about me that it was a no brainer it had to go.

I was willing.

I prayed daily, fervently, Lord take what needs taking. Break what needs breaking. Shake what can be shaken. And wake IN me, who I am meant to be.

(I still pray that. I recommend it!)

I was so so eager. Y'know? Have you ever been that kid so eager to please, be seen, be enough?

I was that, #God version.

I took all of my insecurities and perfectionism and underlying sense that no matter how much I do it's never enough, and I applied that to my idea of who I thought I needed to be to God.

I would be the highest-achieving at surrender ever. Ever ever! Just watch! Gimme the list, I'll do ALL of the willingly lay life down things; let's go!

I know. LOL.

It seemed right, obvious, that my entire business would be re-written in God. If I even kept having a business! It was what I wanted.

Don't get me wrong: I'm not about to say it's NOT. My whole LIFE has been re-written in Him. I have a new identity. NOTHING is the same!

But I applied big doses of Kat logic to everything.

I made extra sure to not be accidentally speaking forth ANYTHING that seemed to resemble the old me. I was here to preach and prophesy and be wherever God placed me in the FAITH-led market now; that was obvious!

And it was.

Until, well, hmm.


I started to have wonderings, y'know.

What if I DID do something for the unapologetic woman who just wants more, who is an entrepreneur seeking TRUTH, IDENTITY, PURPOSE, and to finally unleash what's inside of her in a way which shakes her entire so-called niche because finally she came out guns blazing and gloves off!

Who finally realised she doesn't HAVE to follow the rules!

I LOVE that woman!

But I quickly made sure I adapted it to be 'faith-led version'.

Changed my website and branding to be Katrina Ruth Ministries rather than The Katrina Ruth Show.

This was clearly what I was born for!

And it was ... is .. always has been.

The unleashing and preaching and pouring forth and definitely also the prophetic side.




Ignore 'em? Too bad? Maybe!

I couldn't reconcile it.

Meanwhile, without realising, I kind of lost my spice. Well, I thought it was best lost, to be honest. But then I realised I was missing bits of me that were, well, me! The way I was designed.

The other week God said to me "you know, you're still trying to BE something".

And He brought to mind my branding my whole online presence as 'ministries'.


I pretty much huffed at Him. "You're KIDDING?! I'm gonna need to change everything AGAIN?!"

I wasn't annoyed at God, I GOT it right away and accepted it. It's very 'me'. All in on this is the new thing, then, hang on a minute - now I'm back to the OG thing because actually that is still the thing.

Some of you have been here long enough to witness this cycle at least 20 times over the past 10 years or so!!


I waited and prayed on all of this. Made sure I wasn't once again making up stories.

But, turns out, God wrote the story of who I am, so I can't actually make that up.

And here is what I know is true.

Because it has never NOT been true.

I am here for the unapologetically extra woman.

For the woman of flow and fire and a WILD wild spirit who just flat out knows that the way it is said it has to be?

Is NOT the way.

Not in a niche, a people group, and most likely not in any part of life.

She is UNAPOLOGETICALLY purpose-driven.

She KNOWS she was born for more.

She is a revolutionary freakin' leader, and she NEEDS to take the stage.

Yeah this does not need to be a narcissistic self-exalting #yasssqueen sort of a thing, and the truth is I went way further down that path than I care to even reflect on again.

But I've realised I don't need to throw the baby out with the bathwater.

And God has given me a message and a voice which is for the WORLD.

It is to speak into the hearts and lives of women who have a call on their life, have been chasing an understanding and proper unleashing of that their whole lives in some way, have repeatedly been told they're too much, or not like that, or lie down in this box right here, that's it, be quiet, be PROPER, and who flat out do not fit the mold!


So this is me.

Comin' out (again!).

Guns blazing.

Speaking to YOU.

The unapologetically extra and OH so revolutionary leader who I've always been here for.

Saying I am sorry if I made it seem like you can't come and play.

I thought it was right for me to be head down immersed ONLY in the Christian world.

I am boldly for Christ and my beliefs and desires are no longer for sale or outside of Him.

But where He has placed me?

Is in the marketplace.

Speaking to leaders.

Helping the unapologetic too much woman see what's already inside of her.


Am I gonna stop talking about God through all my content, UNLIKELY. How could I stop talking about who I am and how I live.

But the preaching, prophesying, tongues-speaking, praying side is not the 'this is what my business is about' thing I thought it was.

(PS it will still be happening bts. AND I will continue to run certain courses which are very overtly a Christian faith-led and taught thing, as well as, of course, my Secret Garden).

But meanwhile, do you know what this is?


This is me 10 years ago before it got all about thinking I had to talk a certain way (or wanted to), and before I muddied the waters with a whole lot of spiritual GUNK which absolutely did have to be cleaned up.

So hi.

It's Kat, 2014 version.

Just a lil bit extra.

Fully God led.

And here to talk to you, the TOO MUCH woman who needs to finally hear somebody say this:


What you see inside of you is real.


Available now.

And available for you.

SO LET'S FIND OUT WHAT THAT BRIGHTLY COLOURED / TOO MUCH / HOT MESS / ALL OVER THE PLACE LEADER YOU IS MEANT TO ACTUALLY BE DOING. In a market where your people are starved for somebody just showing up and saying the exact thing that actually needs to be said in the exact way it actually needs to be thrown at 'em.


Time to uncover the business of you being fully you.

So with THAT being said.

I am running the first free webinar I've done in about 2 years (that I can remember!).

It's happening in 2 days.


And it's the truth about what it really takes to make money online and with a personal brand these days.

Hey, if I didn't mention -

I've been doing this online thang for just shy of 19 years now.

I've been mentored by the actual best of the best.

And I've also mentored the best of the best.

I have personally made tens of millions.

Lost plenty of it through bad stewardship.

Also been blessed with some wise choices and Godly favour to have made some great investments and moves.

So all in all, come out smiling!

I have launched over 1000 products online.

I do not recommend this unless you breath by creating like me.

I have had TONS flop.

And just a few work quite nicely ;)

I know a thing or two about being the girl who repeatedly does not follow through, and can't seem to stick with what she thought it was gonna be.

Yet in the end, one thing I have learned about a woman like me, a woman like you, people like US?

We actually DID follow through the whole entire time.

We followed through on being true to who we came here to be.

Click here if you'd like the link to the free webinar.

It's on in two days. Replay will be sent out to those who register.

Now don't forget -

Life is Now! Press Play.



On a side note. Go see what I adjusted on the Supernatural Creator Academy invite page, to celebrate this RETURN! Oh yes I did! You KNOW I do this kind of thing once every year or two!! If you need the link comment SUPERNATURAL.

Over the past nearly 2 decades I've been blessed to have brought through me a multiple 8-figure coaching brand online. I have a new ministry Katrina Ruth Ministries, and God has taken over the 'show' at the coaching business The Katrina Ruth Show.

I write, speak, create and share whatever He leads me to each day. Always Spirit-led. 

I run programs and courses for faith-led entrepreneurs who desire to walk their true path of destiny in Him. And to see all that SHOULD be come to fruition in their business, wealth, relationships, stewardship of their spiritual and supernatural gifts and anointings - all of it.

I am a prolific creator and have created over 300 successful courses, workshops, and the like in my nearly 20 years online … and hundreds more which I would not term as so successful. These span all sorts of topics from traditional business, to all elements of online sales and marketing, to money mindset, fitness, and most of all / my favourite … the things which just come through and remind you of how to be YOU. 

I learned a long time ago not to question whether it meant I am not 'doing something right' to keep creating.

I was born to let things through. It is like BREATH to me to do so.

Praise the Lord I get to now do it only in what is TRUE!

Katrina Ruth

Over the past nearly 2 decades I've been blessed to have brought through me a multiple 8-figure coaching brand online. I have a new ministry Katrina Ruth Ministries, and God has taken over the 'show' at the coaching business The Katrina Ruth Show. I write, speak, create and share whatever He leads me to each day. Always Spirit-led. I run programs and courses for faith-led entrepreneurs who desire to walk their true path of destiny in Him. And to see all that SHOULD be come to fruition in their business, wealth, relationships, stewardship of their spiritual and supernatural gifts and anointings - all of it. I am a prolific creator and have created over 300 successful courses, workshops, and the like in my nearly 20 years online … and hundreds more which I would not term as so successful. These span all sorts of topics from traditional business, to all elements of online sales and marketing, to money mindset, fitness, and most of all / my favourite … the things which just come through and remind you of how to be YOU. I learned a long time ago not to question whether it meant I am not 'doing something right' to keep creating. I was born to let things through. It is like BREATH to me to do so. Praise the Lord I get to now do it only in what is TRUE!

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