Download my FREE Gift Pack for the Faith-Led Woman Ready to Surrender FULLY to What God has for her. There’s a Different Kingdom - and a Different Way.

Your gift from Christian Business Mentor & Prophetic Writer & Speaker Katrina Ruth, and? The Wake-Up Call to Deepest Identity & Truth You Know You Need

Gorgeous one - 

God is so good!

Do you know how excited I am, every day more and more so, about HOW GOOD HE IS?!

Do you know how excited I am for YOU, about how good He is for YOU? And how much good, beyond your own imagination or WILDEST dreaming, He wants to do in and through and for you?

I don’t know what your story is …

Or whether your journey to know and walk intimately with God, NO more in life ‘all on you’, and your calling and anointing in Him deeply and FULLY coming through is a new thing …

a thing you have just picked up again (hi, this was me not so long ago!) …

or something that right now you’re not at all sure about and don’t even quite know why you’re here YET GOD (i.e - He is calling you and there is a NUDGE) …

or even whether, like so many incredible and born for it leaders, entrepreneurs, messengers, creators, you have been hurt before by IDEAS of what life in God is about, which did not come from Him, and it’s all just felt too hard …
But I do know this:

You were born for a reason.

You are fearfully and WONDERFULLY made.

And He has a purpose and a calling JUST FOR YOU, as well as?

Incredible gifts to give you and bless you with!

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YES for His glory and Kingdom, because, well - what on earth else are we were to do if not a supernatural thing ordained by the one who created us?!

Included in this FREE gift pack He has led me to create for you are a handful of my favourite prayers, insights, downloads, and even a training or two out of my courses, as well as a few other goodies I know you will love.

  • Declaration Meditation 

  • What It Really Means To Be Saved, and Have Your Eternal Destiny Secured in God in Heaven - Originally recorded as a ‘riff’ to a close friend, and so very casual in its nature and also references things specific to her walk; but common to many. 

  • Excited to STRETCH 30 Minute Video Training + Worksheet (a full training from my course Faith on the Edge!)

  • “WAKE UP” Bible Study video replay - “Lord, Show Us How We Should Come To You”. Included as it is one of my own favourite Bible Studies I have taught, and INCREDIBLY powerful on revelation + receiving from God, relevant to all areas of what He has for you. Includes an explanation of salvation as well as prayer and invite at the end.

  • Speaking Gods Word Over Yourself Re: Wealth, Success, Being Taken CARE Of - Cut from a private conversation in which I was talking about what we really need to understand around prosperity and wealth in God. A must hear on letting go and TRUSTING God has got you in this area!

  • Beyond What Can Possibly Be Caught or Held - This audio was actually initially added to this gift pack by accident! It’s a prayer and prophetic word I heard God tell me to record on SUPERNATURAL OVERFLOW, and I initially was sending it to my membership clients in The Secret Garden (the place God gave me to ongoing coach & mentor the faith-led entrepreneur who is ready for ALL He has for her!). My team and I accidentally added it to this page, and I decided well- it must be meant to be here! Receive what God has for YOU here.

Gorgeous - 

Consider this a call to arms for the woman of faith (hi, it’s you!) who possibly doesn’t even know quite what that faith fully IS right now, or where exactly it’s going to take her, but all in all?

Is so so ready to be done with being the one trying to hold it all together and DO a thing in her business, finances, and love, when frankly - 

she believes there is a different way.

Even more frankly - 

She believes there is a surrender it’s time to make, to God, to allow what is fully FOR her in this life - the big picture of it, but yes the here and now! - to come through.

The thing with being a high-performing driven ‘do what it takes’ sort of gal is … eventually the stilettos get tiring. The pushing which once was hustle and FUN becomes, well - pushing. The continual search for a deeper alignment and truth starts to feel hollow, because you know there’s something more. You know there is A truth it’s time for you to go all the way with, or consider; perhaps for the first proper time.

GOD’S truth.

And the fact that He does have a destiny plan for you, beyond what you could imagine! That He has prepared all the works you should walk in before you even got here. And that the whole ‘flow and ease’ thang?

Yeah, that’s just a little bit different (aka: supernaturally WOW) when it comes from Him and not our own determined deciding.

Believe me, I get it - 

Not that long ago I was still the ‘girl who believed in God’ yet who had more than one foot firmly planted in ‘it’s all on me'.

Since surrendering FULLY to Him, and handing my business and finances over, EVERYTHING BLEW UP. Yep, the 30 million $ biz Kat built? DONE. Not to mention big chunks of my life. Wait though ;)

EVERYTHING BECAME BETTER THAN I COULD IMAGINE. Because the whole point is … HIS imagination is a lot more fantabulous than ours. And mine is pretty good!

But let’s not pretend it was an overnight shift to supernatural flow and God’s favour pouring out on me.

I had to LEARN some stuff. Oh boy. Let GO of some stuff. OH boy. Let some stuff be stripped OFF of me. Oh boy oh boy! And bit by bit?

Finally learn what walking in a faith which never ends means.

This free gift pack?

Is a selection of some of my favourite things I’ve created for you to drop YOU into that place where YOU are no longer the one having to hold the whole world up.

Enter your email below for immediate access, and then?

Press freaking play. Life is good!

Kat x


don’t miss something extra special I haven’t mentioned here, and added in to the email you will receive with all your links and free downloads! 

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