Permission, granted


September 10, 20243 min read




Let's do this thing.

This rippin' another good ole hole in the atmosphere and activating the WILD wild flow and furnace which is meant to pour out of you thing.

Aka: permission, granted, to be ALL the way you.

Oh yes.

I'm gonna write to you right now from a place of assuming we know one another.

Given how far back these here online roots go, there's a good chance we do.

But if we don't? If you're new here?

I'm GOING to assume we know one another.

Because here is what I do know.

Be ALL the way you

About a woman like you.

Like me.

One of US.

We can't stop won't stop.

It's a thing.

And the fire we have been given to stoke? You know ... the one brewing away inside of you and CONSUMING YOU FROM THE INSIDE OUT BECAUSE YOU DON'T LET IT OUT?

Oh sweet baby rays.

It needs to be uncontained darling.


While everybody else sits there carefully stoking their tiny little careful little proper little just so little fire in a little tiny container which contains their little tiny dreams as they slowly sink further into a little tiny death ...

SORRY. Because I pray I pray I PRAY for the awakening, but oh meanwhile?


The fire God put in YOU is one which sprays out all multi-beyond-earthly-colour stuff. It sparks ALARMINGLY. It WILL not be contained. And YES it flows and fires and plants things beyond you.


(just a lil but)

That won't happen if you don't say yes.

And you know what?

It is ACTUALLY as freaking simple as 'then she just said yes'.

AUGHKLLT*T&OLHLNK::POUIPPUJK:KLNNWLKGUJGHHJKAVBFB&&&%$$%&**((()(_*****_*)_OHJATR(IO the joyyyyyyyy and the MADNESS in that truth.

I know.


It is what it is.

Might as well be with what is!

And here IS what is.


The way you were made, gorg.

It's kind of a thing.

Kind of a NEEDED thing, you know?

Kind of a purposefully DESIGNED thing, too!

And I guess all I came here today to say?

Why don't you just say yes.

Now don't forget -

Life is Now. Press Play.



Gorgeous. Gorgeous!

Did you know?

I kinda did a thing.

Aka: Guess who's back, back again? (Head nod to you Ginny!)

Yeah, it's me. Hi! Make sure you check yesterday's blog if you missed it, it is one of those if you read one post in 10 years read this one sort of thangs.

Also. A NEW THING. Oh man! I have caught the full download of this this morning, so if you briefly saw this page yesterday with just a banner on it, I'd go read what is now there.

Whew! This is our RESTORATION celebration, and it is one of those 'I only create a course with THIS kind of fire in it once every 5 years or so sort of things'.

I mean, I like to think I'm firing in general. But YOU know.

Everybody needs to be in this. Plain and simple.

But if you, you're the one who knows you are ready for that fulllllll Kat style switch flick, then this this THIS.

This course, and me writing it through two weeks ago, was absolutely one of the key catalysts to my guns blazing return.

I had it listed for 3k. With a 1k launch discount.

I have slashed it.

Call it what you wanna call it, when I get that exhale and FLY vibe, I do this sort of thing. If you know me you know.

It's now over 70% off the launch price.

Set to stay.

Oh, and you get the 10 day thing included. Amongst other fabulous extras.

But this, this. This is 10 weeks live with me. It is my new signature course. It is, simply,

the place where you just did.


will you join me again?

Is it time?

Should we DO this thing together?



Over the past nearly 2 decades I've been blessed to have brought through me a multiple 8-figure coaching brand online. I have a new ministry Katrina Ruth Ministries, and God has taken over the 'show' at the coaching business The Katrina Ruth Show.

I write, speak, create and share whatever He leads me to each day. Always Spirit-led. 

I run programs and courses for faith-led entrepreneurs who desire to walk their true path of destiny in Him. And to see all that SHOULD be come to fruition in their business, wealth, relationships, stewardship of their spiritual and supernatural gifts and anointings - all of it.

I am a prolific creator and have created over 300 successful courses, workshops, and the like in my nearly 20 years online … and hundreds more which I would not term as so successful. These span all sorts of topics from traditional business, to all elements of online sales and marketing, to money mindset, fitness, and most of all / my favourite … the things which just come through and remind you of how to be YOU. 

I learned a long time ago not to question whether it meant I am not 'doing something right' to keep creating.

I was born to let things through. It is like BREATH to me to do so.

Praise the Lord I get to now do it only in what is TRUE!

Katrina Ruth

Over the past nearly 2 decades I've been blessed to have brought through me a multiple 8-figure coaching brand online. I have a new ministry Katrina Ruth Ministries, and God has taken over the 'show' at the coaching business The Katrina Ruth Show. I write, speak, create and share whatever He leads me to each day. Always Spirit-led. I run programs and courses for faith-led entrepreneurs who desire to walk their true path of destiny in Him. And to see all that SHOULD be come to fruition in their business, wealth, relationships, stewardship of their spiritual and supernatural gifts and anointings - all of it. I am a prolific creator and have created over 300 successful courses, workshops, and the like in my nearly 20 years online … and hundreds more which I would not term as so successful. These span all sorts of topics from traditional business, to all elements of online sales and marketing, to money mindset, fitness, and most of all / my favourite … the things which just come through and remind you of how to be YOU. I learned a long time ago not to question whether it meant I am not 'doing something right' to keep creating. I was born to let things through. It is like BREATH to me to do so. Praise the Lord I get to now do it only in what is TRUE!

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