I believe God wants to break a spirit of performance off of His daughters who are willing to submit, surrender, and give Him everything.

I hear Him saying He is breaking down walls and barriers which you have built up to strong-guard yourself, to fortify and position yourself, to contain yourself in and by which you have set yourself apart.

(This word is for me as well as you).

I hear Him saying these walls you built to platform and contain yourself in, they now contain YOU.

“The upkeep is relentless.

The renovations and improvements are never done.

There is always another turret to add, a flag to fly, or higher up the hill to build.

He says if you want to you can keep building.

In many ways it is a thing of beauty, what you’ve built!

And there will always be those who will cheer you on, encourage you to strive further, look to you to lead them in doing the same, join you in a shout of praise for what (wo)man can do!

But the beauty is fleeting. The tarnish ever more impossible to hide. And the performance is getting tired, old, and done.

Do you want to keep building, dear one, building dreams I never gave you as a way of attempting to complete in you through counterfeit something you already have, have in me?

Or do you want to be done?”

I believe the Lord wants to break off a spirit of performance in His daughters.

I believe He is looking for His surrendered, soft, willing, pliable (Ps:37:4) daughters, who will yield to His molding.

“Do you trust me?”, He says?

“Do you want me?”

“But do you want me more than

“Are you really willing to forsake everything?”

Understand you don’t have to.

Understand you can be ‘saved’ and continue to do life your way, build what delights your flesh and the flesh of others.

Understand this is direct disobedience to God, suppresses His Spirit in you, making it ever harder over time to discern His voice, will, ways for you, which are immeasurably above and beyond yours.

Understand that if you continue this path, relentless in your OWN, there may be a point in time at which it becomes questionable as to whether or not you are bearing fruit at all, and if no, then … well, then what? It's not a rhetorical question.

Understand we don’t know or choose or measure amongst ourselves or each other where that line is, what it looks like, what the timing is, or what fruit in another should be.

Understand you should be working out your salvation with fear and trembling though (Phillippians 2:12), and it should be daily.

Understand you can choose to wilfully walk a line of saved yet not Christ follower in active daily surrender and submission.

Understand this absolutely will cost you in the Kingdom of Heaven. For you are not saved BY works, but

FOR good works, which you should walk forward in, powered by grace. And your rewards in His Kingdom beyond this earth do indeed reflect what each moment you were given here was for, and whether you gave it,

to Him.

Understand that I am not suggesting this is an easy path to walk, choose, or even know.

And yet.

And yet.

And yet.

You have the Spirit of God in you.

You have the Spirit of God in you.

As His child, who has His Son accepted …

you have the Spirit of God in you.

bear witness in you.
reveal the way in you.
light the path in you.

He DOES bring peace where His way is.
reveal Christ in,
and through you.

Are you willing to have a spirit of performance, and relentlessly needing to achieve, demonstrate, show, do, or be, broken off of you?

Are you willing to wave the white flag and say “I’m DONE God!”.

“I am done! I have nothing to give you but all I am I lay before you, and I say use me for your purposes! Fill up the hidden and the broken and the hurting places.

And let me begin to move …

dance …

walk in step …

flow …

with and by and to and through and from and for you, and you alone Lord.


I say I am yours, and my decision choice and desire in my deepest is to be a living worship to you”.

Breaking Off the Spirit of Performance one time live workshop event.

God has commissioned me to host a one time live workshop event breaking off the spirit of performance.

Understand this is not what I would have been offering or speaking to right now! I was pretty caught up in not one but TWO significant new courses I have been preparing for you. Of the signature / deep dive variation.

My flesh definitely has that exhale of slight frustration at myself for not having just got on with it and got it out there yet. One I have been midway through bringing to life since December!

But my prayer on repeat relevant to what I produce, publish, even post is

Lord I don’t want it if it’s not carrying your fire. Break off anything I am doing or attempting to do, any idea or imagination or thought or decision or even suggestion not of you! I DON’T WANT SUCCESS IF IT DOESN’T HAVE YOU IN IT. Because it’s not success at all. Let any step I try to take not of you or not in your right now timing fall to the ground. USE ME FOR YOUR PURPOSES. And yours alone. Make me your Holy Spirit fire. In Jesus Name I pray, declare, and decree, let it be so. Amen.

Or some version of that ;)

The truth is I am walking this journey moment by moment, breath by breath, precept by precept, and so I don’t know yet everything which God gives me to share with you, teach on, or break off!

I just know when He tells me a thing. When He opens a door. When He says GO. That He will also equip, resource, and grace it.

I also know that I do NOT want to disobey His leading in place of what I was already working on … thinking I need to teach on … thinking I am ABOUT.

I want to live in His perfect will. Not just in what He allows as my Father,

Yet did not design or give me, and does not grace.

That’s the cry of my heart.

I believe this workshop is going to be one of powerful Holy Spirit encounter and FREEDOM, freedom from counterfeit fire and flow, and chains which often unknowingly have bound you ever further into false identity and destiny.


And let it be now.

Join now by donation; pay whatever God leads!

Live workshop event Tuesday March 11, 11.30am AEST.

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