A new 30-day container, Holy Spirit led & with Katrina Ruth, to daily make a choice to release what He has given you to carry.

To know Him is to love Him, to love Him is to look to Him, to look to Him is to LIVE in and in Him,

we have life.

In that life
In that place
In that looking
t’ward His face

we find and WILL find,

our way.

Dear one -

Do you not hear it?

The call of His voice within you?

The whisper of His love to you?

The shout now a roar of what He has given you?

Your message is your ministry.
Your missive is your voice.
And with what He gives you to carry,
you now must make a choice.

I know and I understand -

The fear of going back.

The worry and concern.

Will I make it all about me again?

When will I really learn?!

How can I trust - ?

How might I know - ?

Will I ever discern - ?!

And when will it just FLOW?

But hear me now.
Hear the voice of the Lord in me now.
As He calls you once more home.

“I made you to release.
I made you to pour out.
I created you as my vessel.
To listen, be still, sit, now shout.
There’s a message I’ve put within you.
It burns through all of time.
It’s one to reach the ages.
And whilst it’s yours its firstly MINE.

You’re made new my child.
No longer who you were.
The fears and tears of yesterday -
They’re wiped and washed, fully away.

Your message is your ministry.
Your missive is your voice.
And with what I’ve given you to carry.
You DAILY make a choice.

You can linger in uncertainty.
Wrought with indecision, fearful to use that voice
Every day another worry

‘Will I accidentally just seek money?
Is my desire for growth a flesh just wanting itself?
If I do this isn’t that an attempt,
to platform who I am?

I just want to exalt Jesus!
So maybe I’ll be quiet.
Be careful not to shout.
Dial down what I feel in me,
because surely it’s me just trying to be ABOUT me.

And so I’ll ponder and still wait.
I’ll look to other ways.
Perhaps the life of a messenger,
is not really what He says.

My role is now as daughter.
My office as His child.
I don’t WANT the things the world offers.
I need to show that I don’t want them.
Insist and make it clear.

And the best way surely to do that,
is to heed this worry and fear
that I will
or I am
and so now
I’ll wait’

But child (He says)

I made you with a voice.
I gave you seed to carry.
I planted my imprint in you.
There’s work that must be done.

Your voice is for the nations!
It’s one for all of time.
It’s for my glory ALWAYS.
And you need to listen now when I tell you -

You’re mine you’re mine you’re mine.

I’ll hide you and I’ll keep you.
The apple of my eye.
In the shadow of my wings.
There you will abide.

You’re in my secret place now.
I make your way my SELF.
And my perfect will for you,
Is that you be YOUR self.

The one I made to write.
To speak and dance and twirl.
To be a torrent for me,
A walking overflow

The vessel of the Lord
It’s I who incline you toward me
I cause you to walk right

I establish my word IN you
My precepts and my laws
When you surrender to me
And with fervour say “I’m yours”.

For you’ve given me your whole heart
And you seek my face in truth
So child stop looking to your own understanding
Give me rule and reign

I made you for an OUTPOURING
And it’s time to let all you do
Exalt my name.

Your message is your ministry.
It’s no longer about money and fame.
You don’t need to be scared of once more making it so.
BECAUSE you bear my Name,

Your identity now is holy
Righteous and most pure
You bear the crest of the Almighty
You are my signet ring

You carry the voice of JESUS

Your message is your ministry

Your missive is your voice.
I’ve given you what you carry,
but it’s yours to make the choice.

Worry and keep waiting?
Fear you’ll fall away?
Or trust my word within you
And let it flow all day?

I love you my precious daughter
I birthed you O my son.
I made you for the nations,
And to reveal my Son.

It’s time to rise and roar.
No longer be timid and fear.
I gave you what I carry.

And YES,
you are my voice.”

Says the Lord.

Your Message is Your Ministry. Your Missive is Your Voice.

A brand new 30 day container,
to daily make a choice to release what He has given you to carry.

We begin Wednesday March 19.

This course will be run over 30 days. All further details and structure will be released as we begin!

Your Message is Your Ministry. Your Missive is Your Voice. is included for FREE, if you are in my low-cost membership The Secret Garden!

Gorgeous! The Secret Garden is my low-cost membership and the place God gave me for you, the woman of faith who desires to walk forward in all He has for her in business, ministry, finances, relationships, and life.

It is … anointed. Holy Spirit given and led. Absolute fire and flow. And possibly, just possibly - where you’re meant to be. It is also a place where you receive many of my courses and workshops, including this one, free!

Gorgeous -

Once again I find myself,

Not doing what I thought I was going to do.

Not creating or selling what I thought it was going to be.

But instead as I look to Jesus,
with time and focus my flesh shrieks at me is for elsewhere,
worship, lift my hands and praise Him,
again I find Him near and I HEAR -

His missive for me.

Like a beat
Like a drum
Like a strum

“Your message is your ministry”.

This was for me at first, and continues to be. And now also for you.

This thing about worrying on the money, am I going to end up being that girl again, obsessed with money, fame, growth, self … well.

You heard what He said.

The money is whatever. He will cause it to come, not come, from the different things you do.

His provision is IN you and is certain. It’s really neither here nor there whether your creative work carries a certain price tag or doesn’t.

If you hear what He is saying through me here this also means it’s neither here nor there WHAT price tag it carries.

Including when it does carry a price tag, or even one YOU deem as high.

Who put you in charge of deciding what is high, low, appropriate, of service, an acceptable number of holiness or humility or servitude or anything else?

It’s time to stop being scared to stand up and let forth a consistent and ultimately roaring message as the daughter of the Lord.

As His child you were made to be His voice.

To be His walking epistle (word).

To be the voice of JESUS on this earth.

And command the atmosphere for Him, and for His Kingdom.

This cannot occur while you dither here and there, and inevitably succumb to the enemy’s plan for you, to silence and stifle you.


Stop WORRYING on the pricing thing.

Or whether you should charge at all.

How much is too much.

Or if you should subdue all desire or expectation for growth.

It’s no longer up to you.
The old is dead, and washed away.
You are risen in Christ now.
And He WILL have His way in you.
And already is.

When you set aside this old pattern or lens of messaging being about monetisation, and instead begin to deeply walk forward in it as your ministry, you will find you also receive His freedom and eyes to see what then goes with this as far as right expectation for finances, growth, and a message which takes wings and flies.

You will no longer fear you’re trying to do it for you.
Worry about accidentally slipping back.
And the lies of the enemy which tell you that any expectation for growth, financial or otherwise, is WRONG
Will fade away.

God is a God of abundance.
His ways are prosperous and true.

If He wants you to whack a price tag of any amount on your work, He will show you.

He will take care of YOU however He pleases and that may or may not be through what you release creatively in Him.

But it could be.

Which means you need to listen, and heed, and not automatically shriek and shut down any notion of full and vibrant expression.

Are you hearing this?

Here is what it comes down to.

In setting aside that fear.

That worry and old lens.

Where your message was for money, even though sure; we said purpose first.

You can also say YES Lord, YES, let my message be my ministry. Let me be your voice.

Your message is your ministry, your missive is your voice, is a 30 day brand new container God has given me (again right as I thought I was going to do something else!)

to walk into with you NOW.

I see God pulling His daughters back like an arrow being drawn ready to take flight, like a missile He WILL release.

His word is in you and it will not return void. It will meet its target and its purposes will be fulfilled.

It will prosper in the thing for which He sent it.

This is literally His word for you!! For YOU and ABOUT you!

This requires your yes.

And you actually doing the work, the work HE has put in you,

And graces you with.

That my love,

is what we’re going to do.

In your message is your ministry,

your missive is your voice.

I hope you join me,


Now don’t forget -

Life is Now. Press Play.


Psalm 17:8 Keep me as the apple of Your eye; Hide me under the shadow of Your wings.

Psalm 91:1-4 He who dwells in the secret place of the Most High

Shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty.

I will say of the Lord, “He is my refuge and my fortress;

My God, in Him I will trust.”
Surely He shall deliver you from the snare of the fowler

And from the perilous pestilence.

He shall cover you with His feathers,

And under His wings you shall take refuge;

His truth shall be your shield and buckler.
Psalm 119: 33-38 Teach me, O Lord, the way of Your statutes,
And I shall keep it to the end.
Give me understanding, and I shall keep Your law;
Indeed, I shall observe it with my whole heart.
Make me walk in the path of Your commandments,
For I delight in it.
Incline my heart to Your testimonies, and not to covetousness.
Turn away my eyes from looking at worthless things, and revive me in Your way.
Establish Your word to Your servant, who is devoted to fearing You.

Haggai 2:23 ‘In that day,’ says the Lord of hosts,
‘I will take you, Zerubbabel My servant, the son of Shealtiel,’ says the Lord,
‘and will make you like a signet ring; for I have chosen you,’ says the Lord of hosts.”

Isaiah 55:11 So shall My word be that goes forth from My mouth; It shall not return to Me void, But it shall accomplish what I please, And it shall prosper in the thing for which I sent it.