It's audacious, isn't it? It feels audacious at least.

Saying that I'm creating a thing which is God's Money Course.

There's a lot of things God directs me to do which feel audacious to me actually. Self-conscious making. Squirmy like. You think I in my natural self wanna show up the way I do? Ha! I have all KINDS of feelings and thoughts about that, and a barrage of ideas of what other people probably think!

I do it anyway.

Life in God is about doing it ANYWAY.

Not out of rote obedience, and certainly not out of religion.

But out of an understanding that He knows best. That His vision for us is beyond ours. That His ways and thoughts are ALWAYS higher! And that when we simply walk step by step and breath by breath towards Him on the water that is life in Christ and Christ in us we ALLOW Him to walk fully in and through us.

I don't know why you would want any other version of life in God aside from the one where you give Him all.

Aside from the one where you trust Him with all.

Aside from the one where you say less of me and more of you Lord, wait - NONE of me and all of you.

And where you willingly then walk forward with whatever He shows you to yes, to no, to stretch, and to flow with.


PROVISION is the word He gave me on Saturday morning. This is a prophetic and revelatory word I am going to share with you now, as well as instructions He gave me as part of it, and it is also an invite.

You can take just the word, receive it in full.

Or you can join me in the walk forward He has equipped me to share with you.

Equipping me further as through me He equips you!

Side note how good is God! He calls us to incredible callings and gifts, and then graces us to be able to do them! Phew, obedience is good! (Not saying it's not spiky. Hehe. Just that it is good!)


I was in my prayer room in the wee hours ... we're doing a 21 day fast right now in my community for those who are joining, and the fasting period begins from 6am each day. I'm getting up between 430-5am, eating and having coffee as I start my time with God, and then from 6am only still water. Nothing else!

Fasting is ... clarifying. It is being fed by and with and in God rather than feeding your earthly body. It is ... I surrender my natural needs during this period. I believe you to equip me Lord.

It is surrender. Obedience. Allows greater intimacy with God. And it looses chains, causes curses and strongholds to break and be removed, and also reveals a LOT.

A lot was being revealed that morning.

As with, well, honestly - every day in God! Being hungry for the Lord is a smart life choice. Just saying.

That morning, God led me into the book of James. James chapter 2. I was reading about faith. And about the fact that faith in action would mean that if somebody came to you naked and hungry, and you simply blessed them, saying go in peace, be warm and well fed, but send them on their way and don't feed and clothe them when you have the ability to ... that's not faith! Faith does not come BY works but if you know your Bible you know it comes WITH works.

Faith without works is dead.


I kept reading, through Chapter 2 and into Chapter 3 of James. Verse 16. "For where envy and self-seeking exist, confusion and every evil thing are there. (17) But the wisdom that is from above is first pure, then peaceable, gentle, willing to yield, full of mercy and good fruits."

Phew. I knew there was something in there for me! I'm going to walk you through now how I go in to what God is showing me. How I follow a thread, a scripture, verse, thought or idea which He is sparking in me. His rhema (what God is saying right now) word jumping out of the logos (what God said already) words on the page.

Thank you Lord that you bless this person reading with what he or she needs to receive today!

I wrote - "self-seeking is demonic" (hi coaching industry, wake UP in Jesus Name!)

I wrote -

"Lord where am I seeking myself right now? Where am I seeking even to seek myself? Please show me where I am in my own will and not yours".

I read 'strife, contention' and wrote - "what inner battle do I need to hand over?

Lord Holy Spirit you lead and guide this journaling and prayer time please. Show me the things which are of you.

Where am I being carnal?

Where am I trying to gratify myself?"

I was praying, posing questions, pondering. Waiting on the Lord. Expecting to hear from Him! That last bit is important.

And all of a sudden - I wrote "WOAH. There is something there around not teaching people practical ways to make money right now."

I went back to the 'inner battle' question, and wrote in my notes - "concern over being in my own way stopping me from teaching with the gifts I've been given".

I prayed "Lord I feel like I don't even know if I actually know how to do that?! (If you know my background, which is that I made a lotttt of money online for nearly 2 decades and was also very well known for helping the top leaders in the coaching world to do the same, you know this is a pretty funny thing to say, but if you know God you also ... know. You know what it's like to be concerned of 'accidentally' self-exalting again, or doing something in our own will or want!)

I continued - "I trust you to show me the way. You will take charge of it. Yes Lord I give you charge.

Lord show me where else I should deny myself for you. I say you are the centre of my affections. I say you have centre stage!"

I realised God had just convicted me on teaching people in my community how to make money, but (duh) this was to be a way totally different to how I've taught it before. I thought right away of manna, bread from heaven. And of how that fell on the ground in the form of seed, it wasn't edible already. The Israelites had to gather it and turn it into something that could be eaten.

I knew God was showing me "teach them how to see and gather the seed".

Those niggles in me ("you're gonna make it about you again or about money worship!") where still bugging me. I heard Him say "trust it WILL be about me".

Thank you Lord!

(I hope this is given you something around how you might be called even today to seek the Lord on a new thing which He is leading YOU to create or offer!)

I heard "teach people how to gather seed and how to produce provision".

I heard "harvest". "The harvest is plenty".

He led me to Hosea 10:12. "Sow for yourselves righteousness, break up your fallow ground, for it is time to seek the Lord, until He comes and showers His righteousness on you".

Whew!! Do you hear how good that is for where YOU are at right now? Are you willing to obey? I'd be concerned not to if I were you!

He led me then to Psalm 85:12 - "Yes, the Lord will give what is good, and our land will yield its increase".

Whoaaaaa ... I knew right away - 'this is the tagline of the course'. (I didn't know the course name yet!)

I went over to Proverbs 3:9 - "Honour the Lord with your wealth and your first fruits".

A ton of different things were being transmitted to me.

Harvest season. Sabbath. Malachi, tithing, windows of heaven. Enough each day. Belief and expectation. Letting God direct your ways. First fruits. Honour the Lord with your wealth (and all you do). Stop trying to get more to be more, or to be enough. Communion! Holding on to resources. Tend. Diligence. Stewardship. Gather and carry for the harvest. God will give the words, He Himself will direct or paths. Manna. Manna. Manna.

I knew all these thoughts were to underpin the teaching He will have me do in this course.

I wrote again "Yes the Lord will give ... (Psalms 85:12) ...


"Holy Spirit originate in me the things of the Father".


God's Money Course.

A way in the wilderness. Rivers in the desert. Praise for the promise.

Speak life.

^ This is what God gave me and what PROVISION will be about. Details below.

And now let me speak life over you with a prophetic word God is releasing through me today.

Brother or sister in Christ, it is time to rise.

It is time to throw off the chains of bondage, to recognise the authority you have by my Son to do so, to refuse to any longer be held down, and to rise.

Why do you insist on swilling around in the miry clay when I have lifted you out of it.

I have tattooed myself within you, you have a design perfected in me, you are made whole and completed by me, and there is a missive I have for you now.

No longer will you walk in MAYBE.

The time for MAYBE is over.

Where in my word did I say MAYBE I will be who I promised to be to you, MAYBE I will come through, MAYBE I have a plan for you, MAYBE it is a plan to prosper and not to harm you, a plan for hope and a future, MAYBE I will answer you when you call out to me.

Break the agreements with MAYBE. Do it in Jesus Name.

Notice where you have come into an expectation that what it is is what it will continue to be.

Be shocked and dismayed at how you have entertained and also made a table for and even a bed for the enemy in your home.

Where you have accepted his unapologetic and illegal rule over your household, your mind, your way. instead of unapologetically insisting on what God said.

Come before me and seek me on the specifics of what you need to break off. What agreements have been made, what legal access has been given.

I will show you.

There's no need to be fearful of missing something, of getting it wrong. BREAK UP WITH MAYBE. There is no MAYBE I will do a new thing in you here, MAYBE I will reveal to you what needs to be torn down within your household or within you, MAYBE I will light the path.

It is time to get up and proclaim my word over you.

Surely my word is near to you even now, nay it is IN you!

Surely I will make a way where there is none, I will show you that way, I am revealing that way to you even now.

But what you need to do is to get quiet.

I am asking you to get quiet.

To be still.

To know that I am God.

To be EXPECTANT, not only that I will provide, that there WILL be turnaround, that whilst I allow the wilderness season I do not prolong it, but also that I have already provided now.

The arm of the Lord has not been shortened in your life. The arm of the Lord has not been shortened in your life. The arm of the Lord has not been shortened in your life. I will do what I say I will do. Your household is not excluded from the victory of the Lord.




For the time is now".

Thoughts -

Here is what I (Kat) think.

You need to seek the Lord on this word. Is it for you? His Spirit will give you that inner green light in yours. Which parts? Consider stillness, expectation, what to put down, what to pick up. What else?

In particular:




Even if you say over and over again "The arm of the Lord has not been shortened in my life! Reveal what is now for me to attend to Lord!"

Do NOT be half-hearted with your time in God.

Obedience is your gateway.

Surrender is the fast track.

Stop thinking you can keep one eye on your own problems and one on trying to figure out if God has something for you.

By definition what He has for you (which IS provision, and blessings abounding in whatever way that will look like in your life) is on the other side of you believing Him, and giving your mind, will, emotion, life, fully to Him.

Yes this means being willing to walk in faith when many parts of your life right now might scream you can't afford to.

Wake up!

You can't afford not to.

I believe His instruction on running is not about you DOING more.

It is about run with the word. Run with His words in your mouth, His voice on your lips, your prayers being His voice.




The time is now.

And surely God will perform what He promised.

As surely as the snow hits the ground.

He does not need your perfect striving based faith. Which is not even a thing PS. He does not you to know how. He does not need YOU to even know now.

He just needs you to say yes. And to override the parts of you which say otherwise.




The time is now.

"Yes the Lord WILL give what is good. And our land will yield its increase".

This will begin on Monday coming.

I hear 3 weeks.

The structure will be informed by what I shared earlier, and added to as the Lord leads.

He wants me to equip you to gather and understand what to do with the provision He is giving you already.

To seek Him for supernatural eyes to see.

And to walk forward in obedience.

There are quite a few modules which I listed all in one paragraph earlier, and each will require your all in seeking of the Lord, which I will show you how to do.

This is about seeing what God has already GIVEN you to see, so that your focus can rightly be on Kingdom work. Which itself is no doubt part of what He has given you to see!

Here is what I know:

God is not gonna make everyone a millionaire, it's not about that.

But He does have a plan for you to prosper and to FULLY be able to be on path with what He has for you.

He gives us the ability to create wealth of all kinds.

And He wants us to trust Him for and also EXPECT from Him provision.

He is glorified as we are obedient in being led by Him.

PROVISION is simply about fully letting God take the reigns in your finances, and in how financial flow comes to and through you, by and for Him.

Let's be clear, it is also a butt kick many of us have needed around good stewardship of money, right thinking, being the voice of the Lord, and not getting our knickers in a knot around maybe it being holier to struggle.

  • New things will be birthed.

  • New offerings will come to life.

  • Habits will be broken down, and new right ones installed.

  • Mindsets not of God will be outed, and broken.

  • Curses will be lifted.

  • Deliverance will occur.

  • There will be fresh vision given, supernatural eyes to see, and vision for this earthly realm for now.

  • A way will be made.

  • There will be an easing in areas where you have been seeking to do a thing, even a Kingdom thing, and nobody told you to.

  • You will experience the certainty and hope of the Lord.

  • You will understand how to wait on God in active faith when things are not moving.

  • Tears will be shed.

  • Laughter will be heard!

  • Breakthrough will occur! We will go after heaven with a surrendered heart and a knowing God has the BEST for us in all areas!

  • You will understand what God's wisdom looks like, feels like, is like.

  • There will be a loosening of the clenched fist around your heart.

  • The 'maybe I don't get to have'.

  • Yes I am prophesying again right now!

  • The cycle of 'it's on me' will be broken! It will be broken! It will be broken! In Jesus Name.

Pre-work audio and instructions will be sent to you as soon as you join

The cost of PROVISION is $89.

Or 2 x $49 (monthly).

And there is an upgrade option! Thank you Lord.

The upgrade option includes a 1:1 prophetic mentoring call with me. We will begin with prayer. Go in on what is in you. And see what God has to say to you.

The upgrade option is $189. Eek! (My mind just tried to upgrade that to $289 because um WHAT God?! But ok). It will have to be kinda first in best dressed as to how quickly that call will happen. I'll open up a good handful of spaces each week so I reckon God will just make space for you.

The upgrade is for you if you sense it's for you. As God said to me last week - don't try and make up instructions.

Just do what He says next.

I love you and I'm praying for you.

We serve a mighty God! Or maybe it's time you did ;)

Either way,

this is for you if it's for you.

Now don't forget -

Life is Now. Press Play.



Questions? Do you need a different payment arrangement? DM me

Pre-work audio and instructions will be sent to you as soon as you join