Everything You Need to Know to Successfully Message, Market & Monetize Your Faith-Led Business in Line with God’s Call on Your Life!

Gorgeous -

Faith-Led Biz From Scratch is here, and is for you if you are a woman of God who knows she is spinning her wheels even a lil bit on what He has put inside of you.

Let’s get GOD clear on your calling for this season, as well as your messaging, marketing, monetization and mindset, and let’s do it the all in unapologetic for Him way!

On Sale NOW!

I’ve spent close to 20 years in online business, and made tens of millions of dollars doing so.

Most of this, and the foundation of my business the entire time, has been in low-ticket sales and a simple by-product of doing what I love which is creating … communicating … connecting!

In my heyday in the female coaching world I was also known for some pretty hefty high-ticket coaching, but even then the basis was my low-ticket courses, workshops, and memberships.

When I finally returned fully to God I gave it all over to Him and knew that that would have to include the implosion of, well - most of it.

The truth is I’d slid a lot further away from truth than what I realised, and so my course content as well as who I was just got to be redone.

Despite my years of knowledge and experience this was no overnight or easy or obvious thing! In fact the most painful part of all of it wasn’t just my entire business collapsing inwards (which I willingly and honestly gratefully chose), but it was the unbecoming of self-sufficient me who backed herself.

Fast forward 18 months later and God has given me an entire portfolio of new courses and a brand new prophetic ministry, led by Him in every way!

I have never been more relaxed, grateful, or on purpose than what I am now in my all new Faith-Led Biz and Ministry, flowing daily with His Holy Spirit wisdom and truth and finally seeing what was always in me come out the way it was intended!

In Faith-Led Biz From Scratch the outcome, simply, is that.

Whether you are brand new to business and ready for your God girl entrepreneur era, or you have a solid background in biz like I did but are wondering which way is even up as He remakes you, this course is going to get you set HIS way.


  • Destiny & purpose clarity: knowing who He has really called you to be right now, and distinguishing His voice vs yours

  • Unapologetic God girl messaging: what you are really here to say and share and how

  • Client attraction and online audience growth the God way. Yes it requires structure. And yes it gets to be entirely unique to who He made you to be, the normal rules do not apply

  • Marketing with Holy Spirit flow, led by His anointing

  • Daily sales starting now (also how to price)

  • BONUS: Flowing with the Holy Spirit in your daily and weekly schedule, being simultaneously systematically on path to see what He has put inside of you come to life without missing the place He is prompting you to in the now.

This is about getting out of the endless ‘is it God / is it me’ loop, taking authority as His child over fear, doubt, and ‘who am I’, and stepping forward now into the business and / or ministry He is calling you to, in a way which honours Him and the call on your life whilst also reflecting His favour on you and His glory in you!

It really does get to be that simple.

On Sale NOW!

On Sale NOW!

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