I saw an open heaven, a tearing of the skies above us, an open heaven, the mysteries of what lay beyond that unseen and yet,


I got on my knees and began to pray, in my own words and the ones He gave me, and I asked

"Lord, what would you have me see?"

I saw a beam coming down, a supernatural flow of some kind, a CHARGE, a light, yet not in the way we would understand it, and it was enclosing me, filling me, CAUSING me,

to be.

It was as though the beam and I were one, yet without it

there would be no me. Or at least,

not one who could move, give voice, breathe, and be.

I saw that this beam, this light, this flow from an open heaven, was what I was walking in, speaking in, it filled me from within, it POWERED me,

the grace of heaven in visual form.

And I saw that God was offering revelation to me, simply,

so I could choose to agree.

To agree that my every move, my every breath, my every step,

was of Him

by Him

to Him

through Him

and from Him

for His glory

and Kingdom


I started to proclaim, and declare, and decree. In my own words and again, those not of me.

I said "yes Lord,

I say I am powered by grace.

I say my every move is of thee.

I say let my every step and breath and choice,

be what you cause me to see.

I say that in the name of Jesus I will speak to mountains and they will crumble.

I will command pathways to come to be.

I will cause valleys to appear.

I will speak to issues of circumstance, contention, and the things which cause us to feel or remain stuck, and I will require it to disappear.

In your Name, and by the power you run through me which enables me to BE I will look with YOUR vision, see with YOUR eyes, view through YOUR mind, and have your gaze,

as far as the eye can see.


Jesus came to me whilst I was in a magnesium float pool at City Cave,

and He said "I am taking you to a high place".

This is the second time He has come to me in the last few weeks and began our time together with those words.

(The first vision I will not share here in full, as it forms the begin of the new book I am writing and which He gave me that day).

"I am taking you to a high place".

He took me back to the place we visited last time, and this time

I saw more.

Or, more so -

I saw what I was to see.

And speak so that it could be.

I felt something bubble up within me, a shout, or the begin, perhaps, of a roar.

It was in heavenly language and it was clear,

it needed to be let out.

I heard -

"The sound will shape the land".

(The land was the vast and unending expanse of unblemished green which He had shown me last time).


will shape the land".

As Far as the Eye Can See

30 days live together,

the Lord and you and me.

God has put it on my heart that He is calling His dreamers to dream.

He is calling His warrior daughters and sons to SEE further,

to expect greater,

to rest deeper,

and to WALK bolder,

in Him.

This 30 day new course which He has given us is simply -


A space we will walk forward in together in which, by His word, His Spirit, His correction and His way we will SEE,

and learn to AGREE,

with who He would have us be,

as well as what should rightly transpire through the voice He has GIVEN us to be.

This is not about YOU goals.

Although you should absolutely expect RIGHT goals, desires, dreams, imaginations, and more, to be revealed and also met.

Our catch-cry once more will be LOOK WHAT GOD DID.

BEYOND the greatest of what we thought it could be,

or the little we have been fixated on making it to be.

There is Kingdom work to be done, and much of it.

There is NO time to lose.

If we cannot see,

we cannot believe,



His way and will here on earth.

It is our inheritance as sons and daughters, and also our responsibility, to SPEAK LIFE OVER THIS EARTH.

In our homes.

Over our children, physical and spiritual.

In our relationships.

In our finances.

In our ministry.

In our churches and communities.

Over our nations.

In our businesses.

Truly over every part of our DAY.

It’s time to COME INTO ALIGNMENT with God’s original plan for you.

To agree with a fervour and certainty that goes beyond you, that what He has written WILL be.

And to pour out a mighty roar as we contend for heaven on earth NOW in our lives,

and in the lives of those we have been given to reach.


is the time.


is the place.


is the day.

As Far as the Eye Can See

30 Days to Receive Fresh Revelation & SPEAK LIFE Over All God is Showing You and Has Given You, to Possess.

We begin Monday Oct 21!

  • Daily content

  • A mix of live trainings, audios, missives + Holy Spirit downloads, prayer, prophetic word, journaling, Spirit led homework / instruction and more

  • All content yours for life

  • 1:1 upgrade option available!


To see further than you have ever seen, know with greater certainty that His promises are for you, experience boldness and a walking by the Spirit in authority and power, tear OUT the throat of religion in your thinking or behaviour, and begin to WALK FORWARD PROCLAIMING AND SEEING MANIFEST THE WILL OF THE LORD IN YOUR LIFE AND BEYOND


How to come against a spirit of apathy, complacency, ‘not for me’, self-sufficiency, and small-minded thinking not of God. Clarity + certainty in what God is saying to you. Seeing the vision He has for YOU. Peace in your decisions and path. The effective use of your VOICE in keeping with God’s word and to see His Kingdom come in every area of your life and those you are here to impact, now. Being Spirit-led in all you do. Catching the ‘beat’ in God. Discontinuing operation from fear. Revelation of HIS promises for you over the devils.

Fresh oil and a fresh awakening each and every day as we press in press in press in and SEE HOW HE WOULD HAVE US SEE!


New creations come to life. Adjustments in business, ministry, finances. A simplification and a rest which can only be of God. Peace beyond understanding. Excitement and the joy of the Lord. The breaking down and OFF of what can and should be shaken. A rightening of identity and destiny path. Supernatural illumination of His word. A walking forward and further reveal into the supernatural giftings He has given you. A quickening of who you are as His child, His warrior, His voice, and a vessel called to command the atmosphere now!

I love you and I'm praying for you.

We serve a mighty God! Or maybe it's time you did ;)

Either way,

this is for you if it's for you.

Now don't forget -

Life is Now. Press Play.


The upgrade option includes a 1:1 prophetic mentoring call with me. We will begin with prayer. Go in on what is in you. And see what God has to say to you.

The upgrade option is $199. Eek! (My mind just tried to upgrade that to $289 because um WHAT God?! But ok). It will have to be kinda first in best dressed as to how quickly that call will happen. I'll open up a good handful of spaces each week so I reckon God will just make space for you.

The upgrade is for you if you sense it's for you. As God said to me last week - don't try and make up instructions. Just do what He says next.


In the stillness,

He instructs me.

Leads me.

Guides me.

Comforts me.

And MAKES me,

in His way.

I do not find this easy ...

and my flesh it certainly does not please.

But I find it,



of what I need.

I sit here and I wait,

wanting to simply churn out a thing, write a thing, create a thing, sell again, and once again be a thing,

which I made.

It would be so easy ...

Making money, being creative, being successful in the worlds eyes,

is easy.

Letting go of all that you could have continued to pursue in your own strength, meeting standard after standard and yet still never quite there, yet always convinced the MORE is worth still chasing?

Less so.

And yet.

And yet.

And yet.

In the quiet.

In the still.

In the silence.

In the now.

There is God.

And He offers,



Beyond imagination,

as far as the eye can see.


this is what He has had me now unleash,

for you

and for me.

As Far as the Eye Can See

30 Days Live Together

Your place,



Questions? Do you need a different payment arrangement? DM me @katrinaruthministries

The upgrade option includes a 1:1 prophetic mentoring call with me. We will begin with prayer. Go in on what is in you. And see what God has to say to you.

The upgrade option is $199. Eek! (My mind just tried to upgrade that to $289 because um WHAT God?! But ok). It will have to be kinda first in best dressed as to how quickly that call will happen. I'll open up a good handful of spaces each week so I reckon God will just make space for you.

The upgrade is for you if you sense it's for you. As God said to me last week - don't try and make up instructions. Just do what He says next.

BUT WAIT! … if you’re in The Secret Garden, this is gifted to you! Would you like to join? Come see? Have a mosey around and decide if it's time for YOU?

It's The Secret Garden, and the place God GAVE me for the faith-led entrepreneur who is simply ready for a different Kingdom, and a different way.

* Live teaching with me weekly

* Very active FB group for support + community

* Weekly prayer + Bible study

* Includes all my God-led smaller courses, challenges, masterclasses and so on free; no need to pay separately

* Includes next week's live $99 Money, But God's Way masterclass!

* Is simply the place to be in my space live and ongoing, is fully Holy Spirit directed and led, and is my absolute joy and honour to get to invite you into! Now back to original launch pricing with both annual or monthly options available!

THIS IS THE NEW THING AND ALSO THE CORE THING GOD HAS GIVEN ME THIS YEAR, AMIDST SO MANY GOOD GIFTS! It is also now half of the cost that it has been this past month or two, as I felt last week to just revert it to the original price God had shown me.

And all of my smaller courses + masterclasses, including RE-IMAGINED: BUSINESS, THE GOD WAY, are included for you free once you’re in.

If you yearn for a place where you can truly land and expand into EXACTLY who God is showing you to be right now, and you desire to understand how it all just gets to work together THROUGH Him …

this is the place.

(PS always feel free to DM me if you have a question!)


Kat's live yesterday on promises and scripture was so powerful, I'd never thought of approaching Bible study and prayer in that way. Two days in and already The Secret Garden has been completely worth the investment!” - Natalie


Get in The Secret Garden! I’ve been in high-level biz programs for years. This is the one and only place you need! It’s SO good folks!” - Cara


That prayer fully broke me down to waves and waves of tears. I really know I am where I am meant to be xxx” - Alix


Love the message! Thank you for leading me back to BEING and resting in the Father’s arms. I don’t need to keep pushing and striving. A heavy weight has been lifted from my shoulders!” - Mandy


The Secret Garden is the place. I joined recently after Write Speak Decree It Real and love the Secret Garden. It felt like the natural next step for me and to have Kat as my coach + membership community.

The Secret Garden is very much practical and hands on with every aspect of identity, purpose, | God| business, money and flow. I straight up benefit from Kat’s teachings. The live and + the beautiful community. Definitely go with what you know, want and sense! I’m so grateful to be part of The Secret Garden!” - Amanda


The Secret Garden really is the most amazing place to be!! The “Money The God Way” teaching is worth the investment alone. If you said yes to this space, you should definitely be in!!” - Tiffany


I received a gift of an additional £5k this month and booked our first holiday this year… AND received my first client on my menopause programme I developed in 2020 and it hasn’t sold until NOW! I know this was God, I’m letting him lead!” - Carolyn


Hi Everyone! I joined The Secret Garden yesterday! I just finished listening to the intro prayer and WOW - what a breath of fresh air! I experienced so many amazing feelings/insights/thoughts coming out of that and reaffirmed that I am 100 percent in the right place. So blessed and excited to be in this space with you all!” - Megan


Phewwww! YOU HAVE GOT TO GET INTO the Secret Garden! It has been EPIC and crystal clear expansion work with God in there! The messages God has been delivering so far in there is BEYOND and the areas he has been working on and commanding my steps with are just OMPHHH! Do it! You won’t be disappointed!” - Larissa


LOOK WHAT GOD DID!! I’ve had my first six-figure MONTH!! I found Kat very recently, like literally last month recently and I was immediately drawn to her Abundance class. I was so excited that it was on sale for $99. I immediately dug in and did the work. I had NO IDEA how that little course was setting me on a path to TRULY gaining (you guessed it) MORE ABUNDANCE! I could FINALLY, actually, FEEL what the abundant “vibe” felt like. I could FEEL my faith growing exponentially and my ability to RECEIVE broke down walls and barriers. God has made me a new creation. This time He renewed my business. August was a record month. My total revenue finally broke through the six-figure month! Thank you Kat for answering the call and showing up with this amazing Secret Garden container that is bringing forth FRUITFUL ABUNDANCE!” - Kati